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EICC EICC & Conflict Metals Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC) for BLVE BLVE adopted the EICC (Electronic Industry Code of Conduct) , which has integrated key requirements of Social Accountability (SA) in Electronic Industries. EICC was established to ensure safe working conditions in the electronic supply chain, workers to be treated with respect and dignity, and manufacturers tomeet environmental standard The EICC consists of standards on labor, health and safety, and the environment, the elements of an acceptable system to manage conformity to the EICC, and the standards relating to business ethics. We encourage suppliers, in all activities, to operate in full compliance with the laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which it operates. In addition to suppliers complying with regulations, they shall also actively move towards internationally accepted standards and accept increased social and environmental responsibility. We follow the EICC by working together with suppliers in system management and procedure so that we could provide a user-friendly, safe and green working environment in our supply chain. BLVE Statement on “Conflict Metals” BLVE is taking and will take due diligence within our supply chain to assure “DRC Conflict-Free” for the metals gold(Au),tantalum(Ta),tungsten(W),cobalt(Co)and tin(Sn) are not derived from or sourced from mines in conflict areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC),or illegally taxed on trade routes, either of which are controlled by non-governmental military groups, or unlawful military factions. Trade routes not confirmed be “Conflict Free” include direct exports from the DRC, as well as exports through Rwanda Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania and Kenya(countries of whom the U.N. Security Council note global export routes for DRC-mined minerals). EICC EICC和冲突矿物金属 博蓝的电子行业行为准则(EICC) 博蓝承认EICC标准,EICC标准有着对电子行业社会责任的综合要求。EICC要确保在电子工业供应链中的安全工作环境,同时员工必须受到尊重,制造商要符合环境标准。 EICC包含劳动力、健康、安全和环境的一系列标准,系统中的要素都要符合EICC标准,其中标准也涉及商业道德方面。我们鼓励供应商的所有活动都能在法律、条例和国家规则的约束下运转。供应商除了遵守规则,他们还应该积极的面向国际标准并接受日益增长的社会和环境责任。 我们将和供应商一起遵守EICC的系统管理和操作流程,以便我们能为供应链提供一个友好、安全、绿色的工作环境 。 关于“冲突金属”的声明 博蓝会尽职调查我们的供应链,以确保金、钽、钴和锡等不是来源于刚果民主共和国中的冲突地区,也不是来自非法的贸易路线,这两个都是由无政府军事组织和非法军事派系所控制的。有冲突的贸易路线包括直接从刚果民主共和国出口的,也包括从卢旺达乌干达、布隆迪、坦桑尼亚和肯尼亚(联合国安全理事会关注的国家矿物全球出口路线)出口的。