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在锡/银/铜(锡膏)系统中,锡与次要元素(银和铜)之间的冶金反应是决定应用温度、固化机制以及机械性能的主要因素。按照二元相位图,在这三个元素之间有三种可能的二元共晶反应。银与锡之间的一种反应在221°C形成锡基质相位的共晶结构和ε金属之间的化合相位 (Ag3Sn)。铜与锡反应在227°C形成锡基质相位的共晶结构和η金属间的化合相位(Cu6Sn5)。银也可以与铜反应在779°C形成富银α相和富铜α相的共晶合金。可是,在现时的研究中1,对锡/银/铜三重化合物固化温度的测量,在779°C没有发现相位转变。这表示很可能银和铜在三重化合物中直接反应。而在温度动力学上更适于银或铜与锡反应,以形成Ag3Sn或Cu6Sn5金属间的化合物。因此,锡/银/铜三重反应可预料包括锡基质相位、ε金属之间的化合相位(Ag3Sn)和η金属间的化合相位(Cu6Sn5)。HDe东莞华源电子材料有限公司
In the tin / silver / copper ( paste ) system, tin and minor elements ( silver and bronze ) between the metallurgical reaction is determined by application temperature, curing mechanism and mechanical properties of the main factors. According to the two phase diagram, in which three elements between three may two yuan of eutectic reaction. Silver and tin between a response at 221degrees C to form tin matrix phase eutectic structure and e between the metal compound phase ( Ag3Sn ). Copper and tin reaction at 227 C forming tin matrix phase eutectic structure and intermetallic compound phase viscosity ( Cu6Sn5). Silver can also react with copper in779 C form rich silver alpha phase and copper rich phase eutectic alloy. However, in the present study 1, on TiN / silver / Bronze three compound curing temperature measurement, in779 degree C found no phase change. It said it is likely that silver and copper in three heavy compounds in direct reaction. While in the temperature dynamics is more suitable for silver or copper and tin to form reaction, Ag3Sn or Cu6Sn5intermetallic compounds. Therefore, tin / silver / Bronze three response can be expected, which include tin matrix phase between the metal compound phase ( Ag3Sn ) and ETA intermetallic compound phase ( Cu6Sn5).HDe 博蓝科技
